This is a list of the old bikes I have owned over the years, as well as a few I have ridden, or wished I could have!
Yamaha 50cc!
Honda Trailmaster 80
1972 Yamaha R5 350 ~ Velma
1975 Suzuki RE-5 Rotary!
1973 Honda CB750K3 ~ Kantos Kan
1978 Honda CX500!
1981 Suzuki GS650G ~ Dejah Thoris
1975 Honda GL1000 ~ Dejah T2
1975 Honda GL1000
1976 Honda GL1000!
1984 Honda GL1200 Aspencade ~ Dejah T3
1989 Honda GL1500!
1995 20th Anniversary GL1500SE ~ Dejah T4
1998 Honda 600 Shadow!
2002 500cc Royal Enfield Bullet!
1980 Panda
All the bikes I didn't own...!
(They are listed with a "!" above)
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